Friday 4 April 2014

"Network error: Connection refused" on Fedora

I have just installed Fedora. When I tried to putty(ssh) in, a PuTTY fatal Error was displayed, "Network error: Connection refused".

When I check the ssh status, it said not found.

[root@F20-64 ~]# service sshd status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status  sshd.service
   Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
   Active: inactive (dead)

The openssh server was not installed on fresh Fedora.
So I install the server.

[root@F20-64 ~]# yum install openssh-server

Checking the status again:

[root@F20-64 ~]# service sshd status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status  sshd.service
sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

Enable ssh server upon restart.

[root@F20-64 ~]# chkconfig sshd on
Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable sshd.service'.
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service' '/etc/systemd/system/'

Start the ssh server service.

[root@F20-64 ~]# service sshd start
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  sshd.service

Saturday 8 February 2014

Check disk drive for badblock,errors

badblocks is used to search for bad blocks on a device (usually a disk partition). Device is the special file corresponding to the device (e.g /dev/sda1). It can be a good idea to periodically check for bad blocks. This is done with the badblocks command. It outputs a list of the numbers of all bad blocks it can find. This list can be fed to fsck to be recorded in the filesystem data structures so that the operating system won’t try to use the bad blocks for storing data. The following example will show how this could be done. The command:
badblocks -v /dev/sda1 > badblocks.txt 
The above command will generate the file badblocks.txt. You can pass this file to the fsck command to record these bad blocks. Do make sure you type in the correct filesystem, etc ext3,ext4,xfs.
fsck -t ext3 -l badblocks.txt /dev/sda1
Reference: Link1

Thursday 6 February 2014

Setup SVN (Subversion) on Fedora / RHEL

Apache Subversion (often abbreviated SVN) is a software versioning and revision control system distributed as free software under the Apache License. Developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS).

This instructions will help you installing SVN server.

Install PHP and Apache Packages

yum install httpd php php-devel php-cli php-pear

Start Apache web server and setup for it to autostart on system boot
yum install httpd php php-devel php-cli php-pear
service httpd restart
chkconfig httpd on

Install svn using yum
yum install mod_dav_svn subversion

Configure Subversion (subversion.conf)
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/subversion.conf

LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/

<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath /svn/repos/projectX
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Repository"
AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth-file
Require valid-user

Create SVN Repository

cd /svn/repos/projectX
svnadmin create svnrepo
chown -R apache:apache svnrepo

Create SVN Users
Following commands will create two users for svn.
htpasswd -cb /etc/svn-auth-file admin9 pass9
htpasswd -b /etc/svn-auth-file user8 pass8

If you are wondering why I display the password on commandline. I actually hit a bug. My httpd version is 2.4.4. See this Link1 Link2

If you have httpd 2.4.6 and above you can use below command.

htpasswd /etc/svn-auth-file user7

Access Your Repository in Browser

Open using a browser to access the repository.

Enter user name and password in browser.

Checkout Files to Your Repository
svn co

Add and Checkin Files to Your Repository
cd svnrepo
vi fileA.txt 
vi fileB.txt
svn add fileA.txt fileB.txt
svn ci fileA.txt fileB.txt -m "First commit"

Access url in browser, you will see your new files there.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Convert html to pdf on Fedora

wkhtmltopdf is a linux program that convert a webpage(html) to pdf format. The installation instruction of wkhtmltopdf are as below.
yum install wkhtmltopdf
To convert, simply enter as below:
wkhtmltopdf test.pdf
However it will errored as it needs a X server:
wkhtmltopdf: cannot connect to X server
To solve the problem, we can install:
yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
Create a shell script as below:
And save with these parameters:
xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 640x480x16" wkhtmltopdf $*
And this is the way to run in commandline test.pdf

Monday 20 May 2013

ZEN Loadbalancer

Recently I just came across an article on Zen loadbalancer. Its a Debian ISO, ready to install. The installation and configuration is easy, and straight forward. Below is the feature list taken from its website. After installation, you can configure the LB from its https gui page. Config and testing can be done within minutes after installation.

 Advanced Layer7 load balancing
 Max 30000 concurrent connections in TCP. *
 sNAT load balancing load balancing
 Balance TCP or UDP services
 Balance dataline communications
 HTTP and HTTPS services special options
 HTTP/S persistence client session enabled through cookie, header, basic, ip, url
 SSL wrapper / offload
 Wide range of load balance algorithms like: round robin, weight, priority or hash
 Persistence client sessions
 VLAN Tagging (802.1Q)
 Advanced network configuration for physical, virtual or VLAN interfaces
 Independent route tables for every physical or VLAN NICs
 Advanced checking for backend servers through FarmGuardian
 High availability load balancer service through an active-pasive cluster
 Optional configuration backups system
 Advanced global status with graphs
 Easy administration over https GUI and ssh
 Virtual service configurations can be edited and tuned on-the-fly
 Use NTP sync
 Easy and free updates over APT repositories
 Configure virtual servers and farms as your hardware allows
 Advanced system monitoring with graphs
 Management of SSL certificates
 Real Time syncronization between cluster nodes

*hardware depend

Tuesday 14 May 2013

mysqlslap benchmark ext3,ext4,xfs on CENTOS6

Following previous post of Bonnie Benchmark for ext3,ext4,xfs, we noticed a better performance of ext4. This time, we will look into the performance difference using mysqlslap on the 3 filesystems. The partition steps will be the same as previous: For ext3 fs:
fdisk /dev/sda
mke2fs -t ext3 /dev/sda4
mount /dev/sda4 /bench -t ext3
bonnie++ -d /bench/ -c 5 -s 1G -n 32 -m ext3

For ext4 fs:
fdisk /dev/sda
mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/sda4
mount /dev/sda4 /bench -t ext4
bonnie++ -d /bench/ -c 5 -s 1G -n 32 -m ext4

For xfs fs:
fdisk /dev/sda
/sbin/mkfs.xfs /dev/sda4
mount /dev/sda4 /bench -t xfs
bonnie++ -d /bench/ -c 5 -s 1G -n 32 -m xfs
To move the mysql datadir from "/var/lib/mysql" to "/bench", by editing mysql config file("/etc/my.cnf"). Replace
#datadir                         = /var/lib/mysql
datadir                         = /bench
Copy mysql datafiles to new location,change the owner,start the mysql server.
cp -fr /var/lib/mysql/* /bench
chown mysql:mysql /bench -R
service mysqld start
Create create_table.sql scripts:
vi create_table.sql
Paste below codes.
create table testTable (text1 varchar(50),number1 int)
insert into testTable (text1,number1) values ('ERf56768ZSDR4567343',7894)
Create queries.sql scripts:
vi queries.sql
Paste below codes.
select * from testTable
Run the mysqlslap
mysqlslap --user=root --password --concurrency=50 --iterations=500 --create=create_table.sql --query=queries.sql
Repeat above steps for different filesystems. The results: mysqlslap benchmarks
EXT3 and EXT4 were good and quite comparable, followed by XFS.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Setup Load-Balancing Cluster with LVS and Piranha on Centos 6

This setup guide is about building web cluster with a pair of Linux loadbalancers as frontend. It uses Linux Virtual Server(LVS) and Piranha. Piranha is a web-based gui installed in LVS Routers primarily to generating a valid /etc/ file. Start by installing LVS on LVS Router.
[root@lvsrouter ~]# yum groupinstall "Load Balancer"
 Package         Arch        Version                         Repository    Size
 ipvsadm         x86_64      1.25-10.el6                     base          41 k
 piranha         x86_64      0.8.6-2.el6_4.1                 updates      623 k
Installing for dependencies:
 libedit         x86_64      2.11-4.20080712cvs.1.el6        base          74 k
 libnl           x86_64      1.1-14.el6                      base         121 k
 php             x86_64      5.3.3-22.el6                    base         1.1 M
 php-cli         x86_64      5.3.3-22.el6                    base         2.2 M
 php-common      x86_64      5.3.3-22.el6                    base         524 k

Transaction Summary
Install       7 Package(s)

Total download size: 4.7 M
Installed size: 18 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Start piranha and pulse services on reboot.
chkconfig piranha-gui on
chkconfig pulse on
Set a password for piranha web
Allow ports in iptables
vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3636 -j ACCEPT
Edit piranha config
vi  /etc/sysconfig/ha/conf/httpd.conf
Start the piranha gui service
service piranha-gui start
For LVS router to forward network packets properly to real servers, each LVS router node must have IP forwarding turned on. Turn on packet forwarding by editing sysctl.conf:
vi /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Reload sysctl
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
Start http services on the Real Servers
service httpd start
On the LVS Router, log in to the Piranha web ui to begin configuration. (eg http://(loadbalancer-ip):3636). Using "piranha" as user name, and key in the newly setup password. Enter Primary Router's IP address in "Global Settings"->"Primary server public IP:".
CENTOS Piranha Global Settings
Enter Redundant Router's IP address in "Redundancy"->"Redundant server public IP:".
CENTOS Piranha Redundancy
Enter Virtual Server settings in "Virtual Servers"->"Virtual Server".
CENTOS Piranha Virtual Servers
Include Real Server settings in "Virtual Servers"->"Real Server".
CENTOS Piranha Real Server
On each time the Piranha Gui was changed, have to sync the settings to Backup Routers, and restart the pulse service on both routers.
service pulse restart
To see the virtual server's statistics, use "watch ipvsadm".
[root@lvsrouter ~]# watch ipvsadm 
Create arptables entry for each Virtual IP address on each Real Server(eg Webserver). You can add below command to /etc/rc.local to start on every reboot. If the network adaptor on Real Server is eth0, refer to below, if not change as according:
ip addr add (virtual ip) dev eth0:1
Direct Routing with arptables_jf. To configure each real server to ignore ARP requests for each of the virtual IP addresses the Piranha cluster services:
yum install arptables_jf
arptables -A IN -d (virtual_ip) -j DROP
arptables -A OUT -d (virtual_ip) -j mangle --mangle-ip-s (real_ip)
chkconfig arptables_jf on
service arptables_jf save
service arptables_jf restart
Create a loopback on each Real Server for monitoring Virtual IP.
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo:0

IPADDR=(Virtual IP)

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